Located In Downtown Cheboygan, Michigan. This was one of our favorite jobs of 2004. The customer has an idea to help spruce up the outside of the children’s store. Which was a perfect idea. In order to really brighten it up, she picked out yellow, for main color, then peach & pink for the trim. We first started by priming the entire building, with Zinsser Bulls eye 1-2-3, which helps the paint bond to the old brick used in Cheboygan historical buildings of its time. But when applying the paint, we realized it needed more. They were all pastels, very calm, but not enough color. So I talked it over with her, and we decided to add blue and green to the ornamental sections of the upper and lower trim on the building. Which made it really stand out. Over the year, many people have complemented her on the paint job!!

University Of Michigan Biological Station, Douglas Lake, Pellston, Michigan.
University Of Michigan Biological Station, Douglas Lake, Pellston, Michigan.

Lindes Furniture Cheboygan, Michigan
Located in Downtown Cheboygan, Michigan. Lindes Furniture, serving the community for over 35 years!